Aston Villa, lascia Steven Gerrard!

Aston Villa, lascia Steven Gerrard!

La società attraverso una nota ha annunciato la mini rivoluzione sulla panchina. Lascia l’ex Liverpool, lasciano i suoi collaboratori come recita una nota ufficiale del club:

Aston Villa Football Club can confirm that Head Coach Steven Gerrard has left the club with immediate effect.
A club spokesman said: “We would like to thank Steven for his hard work and commitment and wish him well for the future.”

L’Aston Villa Football Club conferma che l’allenatore Steven Gerrard ha lasciato il club con effetto immediato.
Un portavoce del club ha dichiarato: “Vorremmo ringraziare Steven per il suo duro lavoro e impegno e augurargli ogni bene per il futuro”.

Aston Villa can confirm Gary McAllister, Neil Critchley, Tom Culshaw, Jordan Milsom and Scott Mason have all left the club following the departure of Head Coach Steven Gerrard.
The Club would like to place on record its appreciation to them for their hard work and wish them well for the future.
First-team coach Aaron Danks will take charge of the team for Sunday’s Premier League match against Brentford at Villa Park and will be supported by additional Bodymoor Heath technical and coaching staff.
CEO Christian Purslow said: “The Board has come to this decision following a full evaluation of results and performances over the calendar year. We were clear when we appointed Steven that we set an objective of continuous improvement but that has not been achieved despite everybody’s best efforts and we believe the time is right to make these changes now.
“The process of appointing a new Head Coach is underway and we will update supporters as soon as possible.”


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