Mark Zuckerberg annuncia Libra, la moneta virtuale di Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg rilascia un comunicato sulla propria pagina Facebook e scrive del lancio di Libra, una nuova moneta virtuale che parte proprio dal social network più popolare al mondo.

Importante novità annunciata dal Ceo e fondatore di Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, che lancia Libra, una moneta virtuale, una criptovaluta che dal 2020 regolerà le transazioni con molti provider di servizi mondiali. Chissà, se anche Libra sarà un’idea vincente da parte del fondatore di Facebook?

La moneta virtuale, di cui Zuckerberg si fa garante per la sicurezza, sarà parte integrante dei principali circuito di pagamento, come Paypal, Visa, Mastercard e sin da subito potrà essere utilizzata per pagare i servizi di Booking, Ebay, Spotify, Uber e tanti altri colossi del web e non solo.

Tutto sarà possibile con un click e uno degli obiettivi del progetto Libra, che si prefissa di essere anche e soprattutto un progetto sociale, è quello di offrire un conto corrente anche a tutti coloro che non possono averlo nella vita reale.

Zuckerberg dichiara che nel mondo ci sono 1 miliardo di persone che hanno uno smartphone ma non hanno un conto corrente. Queste persone saranno l’obiettivo principale della Libra Association, che conta oltre 100 mebri cofondatori, e che capirete che con il oro micropagamenti genereranno volumi d’affari elevatissimi.

Ecco il comunicato, in inglese, apparso sulla pagina Facebook di Mark Zuckerberg in merito a Libra.

Today, Facebook is coming together with 27 organizations around the world to start the non-profit Libra Association and create a new currency called Libra.

Libra’s mission is to create a simple global financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people around the world. It’s powered by blockchain technology and the plan is to launch it in 2020. You can read more about the association here:

Being able to use mobile money can have an important positive impact on people’s lives because you don’t have to always carry cash, which can be insecure, or pay extra fees for transfers. This is especially important for people who don’t have access to traditional banks or financial services. Right now, there are around a billion people who don’t have a bank account but do have a mobile phone.

We aspire to make it easy for everyone to send and receive money just like you use our apps to instantly share messages and photos. To enable this, Facebook is also launching an independent subsidiary called Calibra that will build services that let you send, spend and save Libra — starting with a digital wallet that will be available in WhatsApp and Messenger and as a standalone app next year.

Calibra will be regulated like other payment service providers. Any information you share with Calibra will be kept separate from information you share on Facebook. From the beginning, Calibra will let you send Libra to almost anyone with a smartphone at low to no cost. Over time, we hope to offer more services for people and businesses — like paying bills with the push of a button, buying coffee with the scan of a code, or riding local public transit without needing to carry cash or a metro pass.

In addition to our efforts, many other companies will build their own services using Libra — from payment companies like Mastercard, PayPal, PayU, Stripe and Visa, to popular services like Booking, eBay, Farfetch, Lyft, Spotify and Uber, to non-profits doing important work around financial inclusion like Kiva, Mercy Corps and Women’s World Banking, to companies in the crypto space like Anchorage, Coinbase, Xapo, and Bison Trails. A number of leading Venture firms are also joining to help drive innovation on the Libra network. We’re hoping to have over 100 cofounding members of the Libra Association by the time the network launches next year.

All of this is built on blockchain technology. It’s decentralized — meaning it’s run by many different organizations instead of just one, making the system fairer overall. It’s available to anyone with an internet connection and has low fees and costs. And it’s secured by cryptography which helps keep your money safe.

This is an important part of our vision for a privacy-focused social platform — where you can interact in all the ways you’d want privately, from messaging to secure payments.

Privacy and safety will be built into every step. For example, Calibra will have a dedicated team of experts in risk management focused on preventing people from using Calibra for fraudulent purposes. We’ll provide fraud protection so if you lose your Libra coins, we’ll offer refunds. We also believe it’s important for people to have choices, so you’ll have the option to use many other third-party wallets on the Libra network.

There’s still a lot more to learn and do before Libra will be ready to officially launch. We know it’s a major undertaking and responsibility — and we’re committed to getting this right. We’ve been working with policymakers and experts in areas like financial inclusion, economics, security, privacy and blockchain, and we’ll continue listening to their feedback as we figure out the best way to move forward. We’re thankful for their partnership, and for all the businesses, organizations, and academic institutions that are part of the Libra Association.

This is the beginning of an exciting journey and I’m looking forward to sharing more soon.



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