Premier League: Is in mourning for legend Howard Kendall


The Premiership is in mourning for the death of former Everton’s boss Howard Kendall.

The football world in England is in shock for the death of ex Everton’s boss Hosard Kendall at the age of 69.

LIVERPOOL: Born in Ryton in 1946, Howard Kendall has linked his name with Everton, first as player then as manager with whom he won the championship as player in 1970, then as manager in the ‘80s’ making Everton a legend by winning twice the championship 1984/85 and 1986/87, an FA Cup in 1984 and 3 consecutive Charity Shields in 1984, 1985 and 1986 and finally the Cup Winners Cup in 1985.

In 1998 whilst Everton are living one of their worst periods in their history faced with the threat of relegation, Kendall makes his comeback on the bench and manages to complete a miracle by saving the Toffees from sure relegation.

Goodbye Howard, Everton and all the British football world salutes one of her legends.



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